Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Release Your Dreams

A dream without a dreamer is like a bird without wings to fly. While this may sound backwards to some, the reality is that dreams exist in an ever-growing number within the deepest realms of our hearts and souls. It is up to the dreamer to release these dreams into reality by taking a leap of faith to bring them to life. Our dreams rely on us, just as much as we rely on them. Without our dreams we exist within a hollow existence and without the dreamer, our dreams will never take flight. So how can we release our dreams into the world of reality?

In order for you to successfully tap into the true potential of your dreams, you will have to learn to explore your own existence. To look deep within yourself, in order to find your purpose and reason for being. What are your passions? What are your desires? What do you enjoy doing in life? What talents come natural to you? What do you have to work harder on to achieve? What do you want to share? Who do you want to influence? What mark do you want to make on this world? The answer to these questions and more will take deep introspection, which may either alter or compliment your current path in life.

It takes a lot of strength and determination to accept what you will find out about yourself. Some things may be expected, but others may shock you or even disappoint you at first. The sooner you accept what you have discovered about yourself, the sooner you will be able to sculpt yourself into the type of dream catcher you want to be. Oh, but the challenge doesn't stop there.

Once you have zeroed in on your purpose and can see your dreams within reaching distance, you must learn how to shape and master those dreams into a finely tuned instrument. It will not only take hard work, but sacrifices will have to be made in order for a dreamer to transform their dreams into reality. This hard work and sacrifice can cause some dreamers to lose hope, in the beginning, but later become the fuel that transforms their spirit into a dream catcher themselves. As their dreams develop all around them, it will be their introspection and preparation which will make their dreams become the reality that they are currently living. It is then that they have learned to release their dreams from the realm of impossibilities to the realm of possibilities.

Dreams exist whether we chose to acknowledge them or not. Without dreamers to release those dreams, those dreams will never have a chance to cross over into the realm of reality. It will be those who dare to reach within themselves and invest the hard work necessary to transform their dreams into a newly regenerated life, that will have the potential for a greater enlightenment of being and a happier life overall.

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